Shopping Guide

Here is the general guide for shopping at Baby Universe Online Store.
For questions about subscription license and software, see FAQ

How to order

1. Add to shopping cart

On the item’s page please select the quantity and click “Add to Cart”.

2. Check the items in the Shopping Cart

Items added and the total price will be shown in the shopping cart. Please check that the quantities ( you can change it here ) and items are correct. Then please press “Proceed to Checkout”.

3. Enter your information and make payment

If you are a registered user, please login. Otherwise please fill out the billing details. Then, click “Credit card (Stripe)” button. Enter your credit card information and click “Sign up Now”.  Then payment will be processed.
After the order has completed, you will receive an e-mail with your order details and serial number.  In case you do not receive any e-mails from us within 24 hours of your purchase, please contact us.


The designated method of payment is by credit card though Stripe.
In case you would not prefer paying by a credit card, we will be able to offer other payment methods. Please feel free to contact us.


Your serial number will be sent to you by e-mail automatically after the payment has completed. You can authenticate the software with that information.


You will receive an invoice by e-mail just after order completion. Besides, you can also obtain your invoice if you login to “My Account” .
Please click  Subscriptions > View > Invoice. The invoice in PDF will be generated.

Return Policy

Only for purchases made within 10 days can be refunded. In that case, handling fee will be deducted from the amount of refund.

Subscription Renewal

Our plug-ins are ANNUAL Subscriptions. You can select renewal process either “Auto Renew” or “Renew by Maunal”.

1. Auto Renew

If your initial order was placed by 31st March 2024, the original setting should be ” Auto Renew”. 
You will receive a reminder mail in 30 days prior to subscription expiration date. Please ensure to update your credit card details beforehand. The renewal will be processed automatically on the day of expiration. Once the process is completed, you will receive a renewal order notice and an invoice by e-mail.

2. Renew by Manual

In case your initial order was placed on or after 1st April 2024, “Auto renew” is OFF in the default setting. 
This means the renewal of plug-in will be non-automatic but by your manual operation.
You will receive a reminder mail in 30 days prior to subscription expiration date.
If you wish to extend the subscriptioin, please go to “My Account” and select the subject order from “Subscriptions”.
When you open the order, you can press ” Renew now” buttom. Please be reminded that your credit card details should be updated in prior. 

3. Select Renewal modes af your preference.

You can determine your renewal modes by activate or deactivate “Auto renew” .
You may log in “My Account” and go to ” Subscriptions”. When you select a subject order, you can update “Auto renew” at your preference.
If you toggle on, Auto renew is active. On the other hand, if you toggle off, Auto renew is deactivate. You can renew your subscriptions by manual.

Stop Subscription

Our plug-ins are ANNUAL Subscriptions. If you wish to cancel, you may log in to “My Account“, and click “Subscriptions” on the left in the page. When you select a subject subscription and you may click “Cancel” to stop subscription. You can still use the plug-in until the expire date. If you are selecting “Auto renew” mode, please ensure to perform this action before the date of expiratioin. Otherwise, the auto renewal may proceed against your will.

For Resellers

Basically, we do not have a special pricing plan for resellers who don’t have contracted partnership with us. Please place an order at our online store with the end user’s information.  If you are interested in the partnership contract, please contact us.

Contact Info

Please contact us by Email. We will get back to you in a few business days (10:00-16:00 Mon-Fri).


  • Please read through our End User License Agreement before purchase.
  • The prices shown in the online store may change without any notice due to unavoidable circumstances.
  • The products in this store are assumed to be used on English version of OS/Adobe Illustrator. Use in other languages is not guaranteed or supported.

Privacy protection policy

We treat all our customer information with care. For more information about how we collect and treat your personal information, please read our Privacy Policy.

This website can secure your private information using a GeoTrust Certificate. Information exchanged with any address beginning with https is encrypted using SSL before transmission.